
Weird pizza toppings from around the world

Pizza is one of the most beloved dishes worldwide, becoming a staple in countless countries with endless variations to suit every palate. Originally, it was made with just tomato sauce and garlic on a bread base. Today, however, the flavor combinations range from classic and delicious to adventurous and downright strange. From mango pizza in the Philippines to reindeer meat in Finland, this gallery takes you on a whistle-stop tour of some of the world's strangest pizza toppings. Click now to discover.

Famous people who reached the age of 100 (and beyond)

Time is almost never on our side, and seems to continuously run out before our eyes. That’s why we as a species chase longevity. We seek it out through technology or medical advancements or spirituality—or simply by lying! Still, prolonged life remains elusive. Except for the lucky few who keep kicking right into (and beyond) the centenarian club. There are numerous famous people who have lived to 100 years and beyond, and that number will probably increase as the years go on and we perfect the art of living even longer. But first, let’s see which stars in recent history have achieved the century-old feat. Click through to find out.

Names with surprisingly dark meanings

What's in a name? Well, it depends on how deep you're willing to go down the etymological rabbit hole. Many popular names used today can be traced back centuries, and many of them have rather disturbing origins. In fact, even seemingly innocent Biblical names such as Jacob and Mary have surprising meanings! Curious to find out which popular names have dark meanings? Click on.

From witchetty grubs to fairy bread: typical Australian food

The only country located in all four hemispheres

When people think of civilization, their minds often conjure images of cities and vast landscapes that form part of entire countries and territories. But one lesser-known nation goes against this convention: the Republic of Kiribati. This unique place stands as a testament to culture and what it takes to live while surrounded by the vast expanse of the ocean. Intrigued? Click through this gallery and join us as we take a closer look at this cultural, environmental, and historical paradise.

These are the coldest countries in the world

While some places are burning hot, others are freezing cold! The coldest countries are generally found in the polar regions and in high latitudes, where temperatures can plummet to extreme lows. These countries showcase diverse climates within their borders, ranging from subarctic to Arctic conditions, with long, frigid winters and, in some cases, brief summers. In this gallery, we'll look at the average yearly temperature of the 30 coldest countries in the world, including their lowest ever recorded temperature. Click on to see which nations made the list.

Incredible filming locations to visit if you love ‘Star Wars’

Since the first ‘Star Wars’ films came out in the late 1970s, the world has been gifted many other films and series that have expanded the beloved fictional universe. But while there are many parts of the filming process that use CGI to bring our favorite worlds to life, there are some scenes that were filmed on location (i.e. planet Earth). Curious? Click through the gallery to see which otherworldly locations were used to shoot scenes for ‘Star Wars.'

9/11 as seen from space and other out of this world photographs

The outstanding photographs taken in space by orbiting Space Shuttle astronauts and those aboard the International Space Station show our planet in a new light. Countries and continents are captured in hi-res clarity, with cities and natural wonders brought into sharp focus. Weather and atmospheric phenomena appear in extraordinary and sometimes alarming detail. And beyond our world, the sun and the moon are revealed in magnificent close-up. Click through the gallery to launch a spectacular collection of photographs taken out of this world.

Proposed US states and territories that never were

The American territory has been divided multiple times over the years. Indeed, a lot of stuff happened before the present-day US state lines were defined. Throughout American history there have been quite a few proposed states and territories, many of which date back to the early days of the nation. It turns out, however, that some proposed states were actually discussed in more recent years. From Absaroka to Westsylvania, in this gallery you'll get to know the US states and territories that never were. Click on to discover them.

The best guys' trip destinations

From bachelor parties to birthday celebrations, there's always an excuse to get together with the guys. The next time you plan to meet up for a special occasion, why not book a weekend break or vacation? If history is your thing, head to Croatia, but if you're looking to party, make a beeline for Las Vegas. This informative gallery covers destinations for all types of guy groups, with some handy tips to keep in mind to help you organize your next big gathering. Click on to discover more.

From log cabins to mansions: The childhood homes of US presidents

It's common knowledge that American presidents move to the White House when they take office, but have you ever wondered where they first lived? Some American presidents were actually born at home, and many were raised in the very same houses they were born in. Throughout American history, we have examples of presidents who grew up in very humble homes, while others were born with a silver spoon in their mouths. Either way, it's absolutely fascinating to look back and see where these powerful men spent their childhoods. Curious? Click on and get to know the childhood homes of US presidents.

These US towns will pay you to move there

In a bid to attract new residents, some U.S. locales are offering financial incentives, ranging from cash to free land. Aimed at everyone from remote workers to families, this trend is growing in an era where home ownership is a pipe dream for the coming generations. Such incentives make the prospect of relocating not just appealing but also financially rewarding. Click through to discover the cities offering some interesting incentives!

Why roller coaster loops aren’t circular

Any thrill-seeker who has visited an amusement park would be able to describe (probably in detail) the adrenaline that comes from being on a roller coaster. The high speeds, the wind, and the inescapable feeling of being flipped upside down in a loop–all of this adds to the thrill! But if you've ever taken a closer look, you'll notice something rather interesting: those loops aren’t perfectly round. In fact, they're not circular at all. This design choice isn’t just about aesthetics—it's a clever combination of physics and engineering that ensures the ride is as safe as it is exhilarating. So, what’s the science behind these non-circular loops? Click through this gallery to find out.

Terrifying Airbnb stories that will make you book a hotel

Airbnb is a short-term housing rental site that has quickly become one of the most popular accommodation companies in the world. With gorgeous homes and antique apartments listed, many travelers are quick to book an Airbnb stay, and many owners are happy to share their spaces. However, not every house is a home, and Airbnb has definitely found more than a few skeletons in the closet. From gruesome guests to horrible hosts, check out this list of terrifying Airbnb stories that will make you "air" on the side of caution!

What was life like in 1920s America?

The 1920s was a period of dramatic social, economic, and political change in American history. The nation celebrated freedom from war but was still haunted by its weight. Peacetime prosperity raised the standard of living for millions, and the country's total wealth more than doubled between 1920 and 1929. It was also the first time more Americans lived in cities than on farms, and people took to the dance floor to do the Charleston. But it wasn't all glitz and glamour, as Prohibition resulted in lawlessness and organized crime, and racial tensions brewed below the surface. Curious to learn more about life during the Roaring Twenties? Then click through this gallery.

Go away! Countries that want to reduce the number of tourists

Indonesia is among the countries grappling with overtourism, and has recently implemented a moratorium on the construction of hotels, villas, and nightclubs in parts of Bali. A senior ministry official stated that this measure is part of the government's efforts to reform tourism, improve quality, create jobs, and preserve the island's indigenous culture. Currently, over 200,000 foreigners reside in Bali, contributing to issues like crime, overdevelopment, and job competition. Tourism is bigger than ever before. In recent years, the number of travelers has increased exponentially across the globe, and many cities and attractions are completely overrun by tourists. This might fuel the economy, but when locals begin to suffer the consequences of mass tourism, it's time to re-evaluate and adopt measures to curb the influx of visitors. This is exactly what many governments are doing. From tourist taxes to bans and restrictions, in this gallery, you'll get to know how popular destinations are fighting overtourism. Click through to get started.

15 abandoned movie sets that still exist today

After the cameras stop rolling and the movie hits the big screen, what happens to the elaborately designed sets? In many cases, they’re simply left behind by studios, and that’s where the tourism industry takes over. Here are some cool abandoned sets you can visit today.

Stunning images of the greatest canyons and gorges on Earth

Some of the most awe-inspiring natural wonders on Earth are the many spectacular canyons and gorges carved out of valleys and mountain ranges found in all four corners of the globe. Some, like the Grand Canyon, are iconic landmarks. But there are other lesser-known examples incised out of the planet that are equally impressive in their beauty and grandeur. Click through the following gallery and marvel at these jaw-dropping gorges and canyons.

Do you know all these names and titles for Jesus?

It's safe to say that most of us are familiar with at least some of the names and titles used to describe Jesus in the Bible. Names such as Christ, the Messiah, or Savior are commonly used to describe the son of God. It turns out, however, that there are a lot more names and titles for Jesus in the Holy Book. These range from names such as Immanuel to titles such as Head of the Church or Prince of Peace, to name a few. In this gallery, we delve into the New Testament and bring you a list of names used for Jesus. All quotes are from New King James Version (NKJV). Ready? Click on and discover the many names of Jesus in the Bible.

The last unexplored places on Earth

We've been to the Moon, so surely we know every corner of our planet, right? Not quite. Many places on Earth remain largely unexplored. From unclimbed mountains, to the depths of the oceans and rainforests, there are still many ecosystems to be discovered. And not only are there unexplored places, there are also still uncontacted peoples out there! Earth is indeed a big place, and we've not seen it all. In this gallery, we've compiled a list of some of our planet's unexplored places. Click through and start your journey of discovery.

Why cities are experiencing rising temperatures

As the sun rises every day over bustling urban landscapes, its rays are sucked up by concrete jungles and asphalt highways, casting a relentless blanket of warmth over city streets. This is known as the "urban heat island effect," where cities are turned into veritable saunas that trap temperatures and negatively affect residents. Even climate change can run rampant thanks to this heat. But how does this heat island even exist? And is there a way to stop it before it’s too late? Click through this gallery to find out.

The biggest Christian hoaxes of all time

There are many examples of hoaxes throughout history. These range from basic, almost funny attempts at deception, to others that are indeed quite elaborate. But things can get even more interesting when we bring religion into the mix; more specifically, Christianity. Over centuries, there have been numerous Christian hoaxes, and in this gallery we bring you some of the most impactful. Click through and get to know the biggest Christian hoaxes of all time.

The most iconic concerts in history

Free solo: Climbing on the edge of death

There are people out there who choose to climb mountains taller than the Empire State Building, completely alone, and without ropes or any safety equipment! These adrenaline junkies flew under the radar for a long time, but now the art of free solo has made it onto the world stage. Click through this gallery to learn about this extreme sport and those who have mastered it.

Strange foods you won't believe people used to eat

Our ancestors had some unusual tastes. There was very little regard for wildlife preservation, so the entire animal kingdom was theirs to sample. From the most decadent delicacies of medieval royals, to the money-saving innovations of WWII Britain, there's a true assault on the senses ahead. Click on and feast your eyes upon these culinary wonders...

Europe's top pickpocketing hotspots (and how to stay safe)

While a vacation is often seen as a time to relax, some destinations in Europe can offer the opposite experience. For instance, research by Quotezone, a travel insurance company, has shown that Italy, France, Spain, Germany, and the Netherlands are the top five most popular European countries where people are most likely to be pickpocketed. But what can you do to protect yourself and your valuables? And which tourist spots in particular are hotbeds for pickpocketing? This gallery contains all you need to know. Click to find out more.

Who exactly are the Māori?

The recent crowning of a new Māori monarch has refocused world attention on the indigenous Polynesian people of mainland New Zealand, not least because it's only the second time in Māori history that a woman has ascended the throne. As Queen, Nga Wai Hono i te po Paki reigns over a people and culture nearly 1,000 years old. Māori tradition is expressed through harmonious song, dramatic dance, and a very unusual greeting. But how did this unique heritage evolve, and what else are the Māori known for? Click through and find out more about Māori history and custom.

American foods that are banned around the world

What Americans eat, and how they eat, seems to be a unique phenomenon, somehow impervious to the health conditions of other countries. One of the most mind-boggling parts is that the US regularly stocks grocery stores with tons of ingredients that consumers don’t know about. Check out this gallery, based on a list from Mic, to see the American foods which are banned around the world.

Famous immigrants who make America great

America was, and continues to be, built by immigrants. A melting pot of different cultures and influences shaped the country and made it into the great nation that it is today. Many of these immigrants became prominent figures in the US, and indeed around the world. From Hollywood stars to politicians, in this gallery we list some of the immigrants who make America great. Click on!

The death of 'Russia's Most Beautiful Biker'

The hidden truths of hotels revealed

The majority of hotels, especially the most luxurious ones, are known for their excellent service and usually offer the best conditions to accommodate their guests. However, there are some things that happen behind the scenes at hotels that they don't want you to know about. Click through this gallery to find out more!

The world's oldest chocolate bars (still available today)

Whether or not you have a sweet tooth, you have probably tried a few candy bars over the years. In fact, some of us can only go without one for so long! Loved all around the world, the chocolate bar, either plain or with a combination of candies, is a sweet staple that's not going anywhere anytime soon. Which ones are still available today? Click through the following gallery to find out!

Which countries have the longest working hours?

In which countries do people have the longest working weeks? We've ranked the hardest-working OECD nations...

The brave pioneers of wing walking

For most of us, clambering onto the wing of an aircraft traveling at high speed several thousand feet above the ground sounds like complete idiocy. But for some intrepid individuals, this is just how they make a living. Welcome to the daredevil world of wing walking. One of the most dangerous aerial stunts ever devised, wing walking is the ultimate in extreme sports. But it's not a modern-day phenomenon. In fact, this extraordinary display of airborne antics is grounded in the barnstorming days of the 1920s. Ready to take flight and find out more? Click through and head for the skies!

Rockets fall near US forces close to Baghdad airport, reports say

Two rockets fell near US forces stationed close to Baghdad International Airport early on Wednesday, reports said, increasing tension before a visit by Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian. Iraq’s security media cell said in a statement that an explosion was heard at 11pm at the airport, in an area used by advisers to the US-led international coalit...

Countries with the most natural resources

Whether we like it or not, we depend on natural resources for basically everything in our lives; from the electricity in our homes to the phones in our pockets. Some of these resources are under fire for their sustainability (or lack thereof), yet it seems we're quite far from replacing things like fossil fuels completely in the short term. But have you ever wondered where the world's main sources of fuel and minerals originate? While some places are obvious and well known, others you might not be aware of. Unfortunately in many cases, however, being rich in resources doesn't translate to economic prosperity for the local population. Curious? Click on this gallery to learn about some of the world's most important resource reserves and where they're located.

Fascinating photos of street food around the world

Street food can teach you a lot about a country. It's the food of the people, eaten everyday, at anytime. It's not just hole-filling grub though, street food can be more delicious than even the finest Michelin-star restaurants. Each culture has its own spin on cheap, neat food, from frozen fish in Russia to corn sold next to camels in Pakistan. Check out this gallery, and salivate at the unbelievable pictures of street sellers across the globe.

The dodgy travel 'advice' you need to IGNORE

We take a look at the so-called 'advice' that has the potential to ruin your trip, from knocking yourself out on flights with sleeping pills to peeing on jellyfish stings, the world is awash with dodgy travel tips...

Do you know which country has the largest forest on Earth? (It's not Brazil)

It is no small thing to say that forests have an important role in the health of the planet. Aside from being a source of paper and fuel, trees are the second-largest contributor to all of the earth's oxygen, second only to the ocean. But forests as we know them are always at risk. Half of the forestry that the earth has lost since the last ice age has occurred in the past 100 years, thanks largely to industrialization and agriculture. But where are the world's biggest forests located? And how big are they compared to all land on earth? Click through this gallery to see which countries boast the world's largest forests.

30 stunning natural wonders of the world

Our planet is a treasure trove of awe-inspiring landscapes and remarkable natural wonders that have captivated explorers, adventurers, and travelers for generations. Whether you're a seasoned globe-trotter or simply looking to be inspired, this gallery is a testament to the breathtaking diversity and wonder that Mother Nature has to offer. From towering mountains to enchanting underwater realms, these 30 natural wonders represent the pinnacle of Earth's beauty. Click on to discover them all!

What is dry drowning?

On August 19, a luxury yacht owned by British tech tycoon Mike Lynch sank off the coast of Sicily, reportedly due to a waterspout. By early September, autopsies on four victims of the tragedy revealed they had died from "dry drowning." But what exactly is dry drowning, and what are its symptoms? Click through now for those answers and more.

This Himalayan lake has a dark history

There's a glacial lake in the Himalayas that conceals a sinister secret. In the 1940s, a disturbing discovery was made, yet it wasn't until the 21st century that the mystery was finally unraveled. Or was it? Click through the gallery to learn about the icy Skeleton Lake, and draw your own conclusions.

The times America closed its borders to immigrants

From terrorism to military conflict and from public health emergencies to migration control, there are several reasons a country might close its borders. There have been various points in United States history when immigration has been encouraged, starting with the colonial period to the early 19th century when people from England, Ireland, Germany, and other parts of Europe were actively encouraged to emigrate to the US. However, attitudes started to change in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when laws like the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and the Immigration Act of 1924 reflected a shift towards restricting immigration. If you're curious to discover the points in time when America closed its borders to immigrants, click through the gallery.

Key tips to help you get the most out of your vacation

Traveling is always exciting. Discovering new places, people and cultures is almost always an enlightening and entertaining experience. Even if you travel just to relax in a 5-star hotel on a paradisiacal island, there is always more you can do in order to maximize your experience as a tourist. If you're a passionate adventurer, but you still have some questions, take a look at the following images and enjoy these very helpful tips for your best trip ever.

9/11: A look back at a day that changed the world

September 11, 2001, day of the terrorist attacks by al-Qaeda against the United States that took down the twin towers of the World Trade Center, destroyed a section of the Pentagon, crashed four commercial airplanes, and killed thousands of people. Many can remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when news of the horrific events broke. Here’s a look back at the catastrophe that changed the world.

Forget tacos: would you dare try these Mexican dishes?

Forget tacos, guacamole and quesadillas, these Mexican dishes will blow you far beyond the realms of mere nachos and salsa! This list contains food and recipes that most foreigners wouldn't dare try, but would you? Get ready for a serious gastronomic adventure!

The most (and least) expensive countries in the EU

When considering travel or relocation within the European Union (EU), it's important to remember that the prices of goods and services vary significantly from country to country. Some EU nations are known for their high costs while others offer much more affordable options. The ranking in this gallery is based on an analysis by Visual Capitalist. It will explore the most and least expensive countries in the EU and share a bit of insight into what you can find there (in addition to the cost landscape). Curious to see which countries made the list? Click through now.

Healthy and hassle-free travel snacks for your next trip

Two of the biggest mistakes people make while traveling are completely abandoning their healthy habits and spending way too much money on food. But traveling doesn't have to be hard on your body or your bank account! Click through to see healthy, cheaper snack ideas that will keep you satiated, all while fitting easily in your carry-on.

Norms in the US that are peculiar elsewhere

The US is a diverse country, filled with unique quirks and traditions that vary from region to region. But certain customs are common nationwide. And while they might seem normal stateside, in other parts of the world they're thought of as completely strange. For example, the average American may be used to takeaway coffee, but to many foreigners that's far from the norm! Curious to find out what's considered normal in the US, but not in the rest of the world? Then check out this gallery.

The world's most ridiculously adorable wild animals

Dogs and cats are nice and all, but most of the time their domesticated cuteness is something humans have refined over the years, and it doesn't quite compete with the adorable powers of mother nature herself. Click through to see squeal-worthy photos of some of the cutest wild animals on the planet.